Unexpected sex trap for antiquary

Published 12.19.2014

There are a lot of such houses in New York outskirts. Planked in the fashion of the first half of the last century, they quietly deteriorate among the pines. Sometimes, some nouveau riche owner dares to renovate a cottage, but those lucky houses are located closer the city. Meanwhile, the remaining houses are peacefully waiting for decades for their new owners.

And this house was strange, distinctive. John has a knack for such houses. He loved to explore the abandoned mansions. It’s often possible to find something rare and antiquarian there. You just need to make sure that there’s no alarm and it’s not so difficult to open a rotten door. Such searches were John’s hobby, but he dreamed that one day it will become a business.

Sarah was obscenely persistent in her desire to go somewhere together. It’s not that John was indifferent to her; Sarah is a lovely girl and she was already married once, so he could save some money on flowers and candies. But a search of antiques has its own secrets. In the end, John conceded. When he and Sarah entered this strange house, the seeker of antiques was confused at first. There were a suite of rooms with artificial windows, some of them lit and some not. A bunch of locked doors leading somewhere. But it didn’t look abandoned. Someone unknown was regularly cleaning the house. Young people were milling around aimlessly in this maze for a couple of hours, until Sarah started to panic. Her fear transmitted to John, who had a feeling that the doors which were open before, now were closed. It was as if the house was playing, cornering them in the maze.

In the bedroom, decorated with luxurious Arabic bed, John and Sarah spotted a hole in the wall. That mysterious hole led clearly to the half of the building, where seekers of treasures have not yet been.

 — We go? — asked John.

 — You first! — Sarah allowed him to be a gentleman.

Standing on all fours, John steadily crept forward and found himself in the same suite of rooms

Sarah lingered and her sudden cry made man to turn around. From the crack of the floor, to which he paid no attention, popped out a plank, which held the girl under the chin. Her head was facing a chamber with John, but res of the body was left on the other side of the house.

 — Damn! — Sarah’s eyes filled with tears. For a few minutes, cursing, they were trying to widen the opening. It’s no-good! The one who made this trap has foreseen the futility of such efforts.

 — And what do we do now? — asked John for some reason.

Puzzled, girl flapped her long eyelashes – wrong moment to pretend being a fool:

 — Well, who’s a man here? You or me? Do something.

John wanted to go to examine the rooms, but Sarah gasped.

Her face blushed deeply, and cute head trembled in the narrow opening, reflecting the invisible for me fight.

 — What’s there? — the young man fell to his knees, trying to look at the gap around her neck. But he couldn’t see anything besides girl’s shoulders and a crumpled dress.

 — I... Oh! — she fell silent, stopped ruffling and put her whole body on the partition from the other side.

 — What? What?!

Sarah was silent, her eyes closed.

 — Someone’s licking my pussy, — she whispered and gasped in full voice again.

John was completely confused and jumped to his feet. The girl lowered her gaze to the floor - the guy felt that his presence is unnecessary and once again tried to look around the room. On right side of Sarah’s head was a wall, built in a chess-like manner and with gaps. Gaps were obviously leading to the bedroom from which Sarah failed to escape. You could see something through the gaps, but the wall was at a right angle to the trap. John tried to look, but he couldn’t see anything, though he heard satisfied male laughs.

He returned to Sarah. She sobbed with a moan, but seeing buddy’s mute question, looked away.

She climaxed and now is ashamed, thought John. And what’s next? Her next movements were unclear to him; he touched Sarah’s head, but the girl looked at him with foggy angry eyes and boldly said:

 — And now I’m being fucked!

For a few minutes John stupidly wandered from room to room, pulling the handles of locked doors. The purpose of this house is clear now. And the riddle is solved.

The doors will be unlocked when the guy from other side of the house is satisfied.

Or maybe he’s not alone? Sarah talks about them in plural. John decided to go back through the maze of rooms, but for that he had to pass Sarah.

 — Mom! Mom! Mommy!! — girl was screaming loudly to the beat of frictions of the invisible partner. She didn’t notice John was here.

Having made the circle around the house and not found any non-artificial windows, John returned to Sarah. The girl was crying.

 — What happened?

 — Nothing yet. They are lubricating my ass. Preparing me...

He stood on his knees in front of her and began to stroke her hair. But Sarah’s attention was focused on the other side of the wall. She somehow tensed, her face went crimson, and she held her breath and…went limp.

The penetration was done, understood John.

 — Does it hurt?

Sarah shook her head, trying to hold her lips pressed. But he couldn’t do it, moaned and answered:

 — No, in fact, I’m being fucked very good! She raised her eyes and John saw a challenge there.

Come on! — he was angry at himself and unbuttoned his jeans.

Sarah didn’t resist. She just had another orgasm, her mouth opened for a moan when he put his dick into her mouth. Girl obediently made a ring with her lips, and when dick was in a full erection, John began vigorously fuck her in throat, trying to guess the movements of the third one, behind the wall. John was close to climax when he heard something behind the gaped wall. With taking out his dick out of Sarah’s mouth, he turned his head, but couldn’t meet the gaze of the observer.

Oh! Let him watch! — decided John, and, putting his dick as deep into girls mouth as possible, ejaculated.

A colorless thread stretched from her mouth, and she was still looking down. Apparently, Sarah got tired of standing on all four and was trying to hold herself by putting her chin on a plank.

John sat down next to her, resting his back against the wall and listening when another exploration of Sarah’s holes will end.

Suddenly, they heard a mechanical sound of opening deadbolts. There was a feeling that all of the doors were open now. John jumped up – Sarah gave him an inquisitive look, but said nothing.

The doors have really opened, but not all of them. Again John found himself in a maze and it took him about an hour before he got the other side on the house.

The men were no longer in the bedroom. Sarah was standing in the same position. On all fours. Naked. Dress hoicked up to the shoulders. A blanket was carefully placed under her knees. Anus was exposed and covered with dried semen. On the inner side of the thighs two fresh bands trickled, drying at the knees. Thoroughly fucked Sarah still had such a seductive look that John felt lust again.

He went to the chess-like wall, where Sarah’s head should’ve been seen. The girl was waiting.

She didn’t have to wait long. A guy, whose face couldn’t be seen, stood on his knees where an hour ago John was standing, and lifted his dick to Sarah’s mouth. She raised her eyes and obediently opened her mouth. The guy started vigorously fuck her into mouth. He knew that John was watching and was teasing him, doing everything the same as John did an hour ago. And John was watching.

But he ejaculated differently. In the right moment, he took his dick from her mouth and holding it in his fist started to cum on Sarah’s face. The girl widely opened her mouth, trying to catch semen, but the guy had another intentions. He covered girl’s lips with semen, leaving the biggest drop on the corner of her mouth from the side where John was standing. Then he drew back, giving space for another guy.

Sarah licked her lips, but couldn’t reach that biggest drop, and then she opened her mouth for another dick. It was very thick. John imagined how it was used to fuck Sarah’s ass and shivered. The owner of this dick was standing still, as if not wanting to insert it into girl’s mouth and was waiting for something.

Sarah raised her eyes and John-the-observer in her eyes saw a…plea?! “Thick dick” saw the same thing in Sarah’s beautiful eyes and also put his dick into her mouth. Her lips tightened, the width of her mouth was hardly enough to embrace the head. The guy didn’t move. He just held his dick’s head on Sarah’s tongue, giving her full initiative. And Sarah showed initiative.

How she tried to do her best! Her head didn’t have almost any space, so she sucked, licked, used her chick, did her best. John’s dick was so erect that he couldn’t take it and returned to the bedroom.

Sarah didn’t just suck that dick behind the wall. She was masturbating here. Without any though, John fell in behind her. He parted her thighs, lowering her hips to the desired height.

The girl’s inner thighs were covered with fresh streams. This time not with semen, but with her own liquid. John started fucking her, thinking how many dicks were in her holes, while he was behind the wall. However, he felt no disgust. He was so aroused, that he didn’t care whom to fuck right now.

Sarah stopped helping herself with her hand and now just rested on both hands. She likes how I move! – thought John, - And she really likes how her mouth is being used.

Suddenly, John felt vexed by the feeling, that he will cum fast again. The guy left Sarah’s pussy and went back to observation point. He couldn’t see girl’s mouth, only two naked butts. They were putting their dicks into her mouth, if not at the same time, then in turns. So there are four of them, thought John. There was no enjoyable sight. Wrong angle. To cope with disappointment, the guy returned to the bedroom and began admiring Sarah’s posture. Looking at her ass he suddenly saw the same plea, which Sarah had in her eyes before sucking that thick dick! Lubricant was lying on the floor. Apparently, John didn’t notice it at first.

Into the ass! – he decided, and, after applying lubricant, put his dick there.

Sarah squeaked so loudly that it was heard from behind the wall. But the sound immediately became deaf – guys from the other side made her mouth busy.

John ejaculated with his eyes closed, during a forward movement, and at first he didn’t realize what has changed. The hole in the wall has disappeared. It was closed. Sarah now was on this side of the wall. She was smuging the semen on her closed eyes with both hands. She didn’t spit or lick herself. When he regained the ability to look, she just said:

 — Now they will let us go… All the doors are open.

Thank you!

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Storyman added 2015-10-08 23:09:00

So hot!

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Unexpected sex trap for antiquary
Published 12.19.2014

There are a lot of such houses in New York outskirts. Planked in the fashion of the first half of the last century, they quietly deteriorate among the pines. Sometimes, some nouveau riche owner dares to renovate a cottage, but those lucky houses are...