College guy sucks man's cock for the first time in his life

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Ldphilly added 2019-09-19 21:33:34

I have this buddy I take care of a few times a month today he came into my house before work I was still in bed but awake my gf is doing laundry he comes into my room and the next thing I know I got his cock down my throat and I'm scared my girl here and he knows the place is off limits I sucked off in about 5min. I get a load coming out of month all over the bed but I got to say it was the most exhilarating head I ever gave at least for me

Ldphilly added 2019-09-19 21:33:34

I have this buddy I take care of a few times a month today he came into my house before work I was still in bed but awake my gf is doing laundry he comes into my room and the next thing I know I got his cock down my throat and I'm scared my girl here and he knows the place is off limits I sucked off in about 5min. I get a load coming out of month all over the bed but I got to say it was the most exhilarating head I ever gave at least for me

nevazna added 2016-06-06 00:58:51

ani isporcili fsu svaju v galave ne mazgi a cerciki begajut

andis added 2016-05-21 11:30:47

patik nojaties

sisi angelova added 2015-12-08 14:50:41

gospodi nemoga da povqrvam che na takiva neshta im plashtat da go pravqt